Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Are Spirit Guides Present At The Moment Of Birth?

Hi Ms Wallace,
I really enjoyed your book Spirit Guides And Healing Energy. It was very informative for a beginner on this sensitive topic. Are spirit guides present at the moment of your birth? Are some of them there as guides because they missed their chance at being reincarnated into the child? I'm seriously curious as to just how close to the beginning of your life your guide actually comes into your life. Does that make sense?

I want to embrace and learn more about this part of me I kept hidden, embarrassed, and for the most part sometimes terrified of. I was wondering if possibly you had any suggestions for me. Books, classes, seminars, to help me through my journey of learning more about myself. Maybe add to my credentials, while at the same time helping myself and helping others.

Thanking you in advance for your time and once again for the enjoyable time I got while reading your wonderful book!  Any response from you will be welcomed. 
Thanks again.
Thank you so much for emailing me! 

My advice is this:

1. "Don't hide your light under a bushel." Let the world see who and what you are. Being psychic is perfectly normal.

2. I read everything I could through the years, but my greatest teacher was myself. By simply tuning into my own thoughts and feelings I learned more than I ever could in a book. So often we forget to listen inside and spend too many years listening outside. Each psychic has her or his own way of doing things. It's not a one size fits all path. That's why in my books I make things simple so each reader can pursue their own unique psychic talents. I also learned a lot from children. They don't question things, they just take it at face value. When we get older we talk ourselves out of our psychic gifts saying, "That was just a dream. I was just seeing things or hearing things." How sad is that?

3. Regarding spirit guides. In my experience I've learned that we have one very high guide that is with us always through every life. At birth typically we attract deceased relative guides. Deceased relatives come to us always in our lives, but come and go. As children we could attract other child spirits or maternal spirits. Typically mother or grandmotherly type. When we're in our teens and older and develop our own personality, traits and so forth we start attracting other guides. Higher guides that help us with our life paths, and spirits of deceased people who are strangers to us but need to learn something or do something before they move on. We always, always, always have guides and spirits around us.

I hope I've answered your questions and I do urge you to focus on your spiritual/psychic path and learn all it has to teach you. Let me know how you're doing.

Light and blessings


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