Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Proof That Spirit Guides Exist

"Guides Show Me The Way!"

My Proof That Spirit Guides Exist –

I’m living proof that spirit guides can help lead you down beneficial and lucrative paths in life. Just a few short years ago I was a single mother, yearning for a soul mate, bringing in less than a thousand dollars per month, and living in a house that needed more repairs than even the handiest handyman could tackle. I had no idea how to get out of the mess my life was in! At least I was finally out of my awful second marriage so that was a plus, but I was at a crossroads and had no idea which way to go.

My First Contact –

I had already been offering psychic readings in person for many years, and was always spiritual, but never realized the true power of spirit guides until I started contacting my own. Call it faith borne of desperation if you will, but I sat in my bedroom one day, closed my eyes, cleared my mind as best as I could, and asked for help. How often do we forget to ask for help when we need it?

As I sat there I let my guides know what I needed—without being greedy about it—and asked them to send me ideas and opportunities that would get me to where I wanted to be. I had no expectations of everything falling into my lap, I was willing to work hard for what I wanted in life, I just needed a little assistance in getting started.

During that first session where I tried contacting my guides I didn’t get any concrete information, though I did feel an enormous sense of relief and comfort.  Somehow I knew they’d come through when the time was right. Each evening after that I spent just a few minutes connecting with my guides

Signs Were Everywhere -

Soon I began having dreams and flashes of insight as to how I could crawl out from under the rubble. It was like the clouds of uncertainty and confusion were cleared away so I could pursue the things I needed to. Almost daily I encountered signs from my guides in the form of coincidences and even meaningful song lyrics. (I’ll explain how this works a little later on.)  This gave me more comfort and determination to follow my dreams.

The more I started listening to the advice of my guides, the more opportunities would come my way and the more positive my life became. Now I‘m a best selling romance author, have a thriving psychic business, am a successful freelance writer, have a beautiful home, and a really great guy. And life is getting better all the time!

Getting Back On Track -

I can always tell when I’m getting off track again and not paying attention to their guidance because my life will start to take a nosedive. Little things start going wrong, something I hoped for falls through, one path dries up and I’m left wondering where to go. When I notice this happening I get right back into my routine of working with my guides and things start moving again in positive and prosperous directions.

Are You Ready For Changes?

Once you get in touch with your spirit guides you’ll be surprised at how much your life changes and how you attract better things and people. Dreams and goals that you had given up on long ago will be within reach and much easier to accomplish than they ever would have been without the help of your spirit guides. Problems in the past that used to bother you will probably seem less important and you’ll look toward the future with excitement and renewed energy. But how can they make contact with you?

In my book Contacting and Working with Your Spirit Guides I show you step-by-step through easy and enjoyable exercises how you can contact and work with your very own spirit guides so you can overcome obstacles and manifest your ever desire.  It's available on Amazon for only $2.99.

I'm also available for Spirit Guide readings and general Psychic Readings.
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